
Time saving twitter bots you must know in 2022

What is twitter bot?

Twitter bot is a program that helps to do certain activities in twitter. Making a screenshot of a tweet, downloading videos, reminding for a tweet are some of the daily stuff that tweeps do manually that takes some time. to utilize the time and efforts, twitter bots make these activities in no time.

Below are handpicked and tested twitter bots that really useful if you are a tweep

@RemindMe_OfThis twitter bot

@RemindMe_OfThis is one of the best twitter bot in 2022. This helps to make forecasting tweets interesting by setting a reminder so that you can be reminded on the time as per your need.

The special feature of @RemindME_OfThis twitter bot is the ability to understand the natural language to set up reminders. You can just tag the bot and type days or months or years as how you talk with people. Eg:-“@RemindMeOf_This in three years”

@RemindMe_OfThis twitter bot

Once you tag the bot and asked to set a reminder in natural language, A confirmation from the @RemindMe_Ofthis twitter bot will arrive as a replay to your tweet (check notifications too).

confirmation of reminder from @RemindMe_OfThis twitter bot

Above image shows the confirmation that is received after asking the bot to set reminder in natural language.

The bot will assume time using UTC. In case you are not in UTC/GMC or you need to specify a time zone, you can use sentences like “@RemindMe_OfThis 12.30 pm WAT” or “@RemindMe_OfThis 08.20 am GMT-0900”

To make things lot easier you can sign up on their website to set your time zone so you don’t have to specify it every time.

More details on how this program works and source code of this can be found in here (GitHub).

Download GIF/Videos with @DownloaderBot

@DownloaderBot let download any video or GIF image embedded in a tweet.

You can use this bot by replaying to tweets by tagging @DownloaderBot, This will create a direct link to download either video or GIF that is attached with the main tweet.

tagging @DownloaderBot twitter bot

After tagging for the first time, sometimes the @DownloaderBot will not replay. To fix this, I had deleted the first tag and retagged it and followed them on twitter. After doing so, I got the replay from the downloaderBot.

Replay from @DownloaderBot to download the video

Once you get the link, you can go through it and download your videos or GIF’s.

After receiving the download link, you can tag the @DownloaderBot as many times as you want. All the video’s that you need will appear in the same link. you don’t need to wait for a replay from the bot after once.

Incase you failed using this bot or this twitter bot is no longer valid after some years, you can use these alternative twitter bots to perform the same task.@GetVid_BOT @SaveMyVideo @thevidbot

The screenshot twitter bot @pikaso_me

This @pikso_me twitter bot is designed to take screenshots of tweets. just replay to any tweet by tagging to @pikaso_me with the phrase screenshot this.

asking twitter bot @pikaso_me to screenshot a tweet

Boom, your screenshot will be there as a replay to your replay.

screenshot of the tweet arrived by the twitter bot

Thread in one page using @threadreaderapp twitter bot

Tweeps use threads to increase the audience by providing more information regarding a certain topic using threads.

Threads are one of the most effective ways to make people attract towards a post in twitter. But, it is annoying at sometimes that tweets that are part of thread’s are shared alone without context. More than that, many people find it hard to read a thread more as it is differ from simple blog posts.

So, @threadreaderapp makes threads in one link as a blog posts. you just need to replay to any tweet in a thread by tagging @threadreaderapp with the word “unroll”. so you will get the whole thread in one link within seconds.

tagging @threadreaderapp for asking the whole thread as a one single post
The link to the whole thread as a blog post is ready by the twitter bots @threadreadersapp

So, these are some of the coolest twitter bots that will make your twitter experience much better using automated scripts.

I’m Ansak Mahir from Sri Lanka. Technology enthusiast from a young age. Currently an undergraduate of BSC in Software Engineering (Kingston UK) and BSC (hons) in Information Technology & Management (University of Moratuwa). I love blogging and spreading the knowledge in a unique perspective. I’m also  a reputed freelancer for web design and development

Ansak Mahir

I'm Ansak Mahir from Sri Lanka. Technology enthusiast from a young age. Currently an undergraduate of BSC in Software Engineering (Kingston UK) and BSC (hons) in Information Technology & Management (University of Moratuwa). I love blogging and spreading the knowledge in a unique perspective. I'm also  a reputed freelancer for web design and development

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